BEST OF TQFG: You are going to lose, and it’s going to hurt when you do.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from August 1, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

And being in an agony [of mind], He prayed [all the] more earnestly and intently, and His sweat became like great clots of blood dropping down upon the ground. – Luke 22:44, AMP

You are going to lose, and that’s a fact of life. Your losses will come in many forms, but the losses that will hurt the most are the ones involving loved ones. Dear friends and family members will one day die, and when they do, it will hurt.

When the hurt comes, it’s okay to agonize and to mourn. Christ did just that in the Garden of Gethsemane, sweating great drops of blood as He faced a coming loss that none of us can truly fathom. The deepest, richest relationship in all of eternity was severed on the cross when Christ became sin for us. God the Father, who cannot tolerate sin, forsook His Son, and in that moment of history God the Father was dead to God the Son. The perfect, eternal fellowship of Father and Son was severed, and Jesus Christ was utterly alone for the only time in all of eternity. How could Jesus Christ face such a horror? He knew that on the other side of death there was life, and He understood that on the other side of separation from the Father there would be a reuniting with the Father.

If you are saved and your dear friends and family members are as well, then you have the same hope of reuniting that Christ Himself possessed.  With that hope comes great comfort, and to that hope we Christians cling. If, however, you or your loved ones don’t know Christ as your Savior, then you have no hope to cling to. If you can’t remember a time when you have forsaken your sin and asked Jesus to save you from the penalty of sin, then please visit our How to Hear page to learn how you can become a child of God right now. If you do know Christ as your Savior, then remember that unsaved loved ones are in jeopardy, and it is your duty and your privilege to pursue their souls with the Gospel of Christ. Don’t put it off. Today is the day of salvation, for today may be the last day either you or someone you love will be on this side of eternity.

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