Category Archives: Salvation

Let’s get personal.

But let him who glories glory in this: that he understands and knows Me… – Jeremiah 9:24a, Amplified Bible (AMP) People take pride in a variety of things. Some take pride in their wisdom. Others take pride in their skills.

Which energy source are you plugged into?

Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. – Philippians 2:12, KJV Working out our own salvation doesn’t

Thoughts on the death of Robin Williams.

Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged. – Colossians 3:21, King James Version (KJV) For the past couple of days, fans around the world have been mourning the loss of actor/comedian Robin Williams, who took his

BEST OF TQFG: (Ant University: Part 2) Someone told you about God. Now return the favor; tell others.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from January 2, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise. Proverbs 11:30, KJV According to

God loves math, and so should you. 

The sum of Your word is truth [the total of the full meaning of all Your individual precepts]; and every one of Your righteous decrees endures forever. – Psalm 119:160, Amplified Bible (AMP) One of Satan’s greatest weapons is taking a

It doesn’t matter if I read my Bible, right?

Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. – Psalm 37:5, King James Version (KJV) The Bible is clear that God is sovereign over His creation, which means that He has

BEST OF TQFG: If God can forgive Manasseh, He can forgive you.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from June 11, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team So Manasseh made Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to err, and to do worse than the heathen, whom the Lord had

Arise from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you!

Arise [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you—rise to a new life]! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you!

God greatly desires to fill up our treasure houses.

And there shall be stability in your times, an abundance of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge; the reverent fear and worship of the Lord is your treasure and His. – Isaiah 33:6, Amplified Bible (AMP) When I was a teenager I

Are you burning incense to the brazen serpent?

He removed the high places, broke the images, cut down the Asherim, and broke in pieces the bronze serpent that Moses had made, for until then the Israelites had burned incense to it; but he called it Nehushtan [a bronze