Category Archives: Impatience

God is working on you. Just hang in there.

The Lord will perfect that which concerns me… – Psalms 138:8, AMP Every now and then, God blesses us with extraordinary moments of insight into His plan for our lives. He lifts us up out of the belly of the

Why don’t you wait until God can join you?

Then they were quite willing and glad for Him to come into the boat. – John 6:21, Amplified Bible We make the Christian life harder than it needs to be. In John 6, Jesus had just finished feeding the five

Beware of the microwave mentality.

There was a long war between the house of Saul and the house of David… – 2 Samuel 3:1, Amplified Bible The microwave oven was invented in 1947 by a man named Percy Spencer, but the countertop microwave so common

God will keep His promises. Just be patient.

…Surely the land on which your feet have walked shall be an inheritance to you and your children always, because you have wholly followed the Lord my God. – Joshua 14:9, Amplified Bible Patience is one of the hardest virtues

Don’t take matters into your own hands. Wait for God’s timing.

And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing. – Genesis 12:2, KJV In Genesis 12:2-4, God promised Abraham to make a nation of