Category Archives: Assurance

Here’s the cure for a crisis of hope.

…its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances… – 1 Corinthians 13:7, AMP A soul without hope is a dreadful thing. Without hope, despair and dread run amuck, and a soul so afflicted has little or no desire to carry on.

God is a big believer in adoption.

God sent His Son…that we might be adopted… – Galatians 4:4-5, AMP I have several family members and friends who were either adopted as children or have adopted children. Through conversations with some of these, I’ve come to understand that

Which shepherd are YOU going to follow?

When He saw the throngs, He was moved with pity and sympathy for them, because they were bewildered (harassed and distressed and dejected and helpless), like sheep without a shepherd. – Matthew 9:36, AMP In July 2005, the following story

No, I’m afraid God didn’t swoon.

But one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came (flowed) out. – John 19:34, AMP Opponents of Christ have come up with many arguments over the centuries to explain away the resurrection.

God rose from the dead, and He can prove it.

That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection… – Philippians 3:10, KJV There is tremendous power in the resurrection of Christ.  As a matter of fact, the resurrection is so powerful that the entire Christian faith rests

God won’t give you any more than He can handle.

I have overcome the world… – John 16:33, AMP I have heard many people quote the following proverb: “God won’t give you more than you can handle.” Often cited by or to people who are going through difficult times, the

God always completes what He starts.

I will cry to God Most High, Who performs on my behalf and rewards me [Who brings to pass His purposes for me and surely completes them]! – Psalm 57:2, AMP Have you ever known people who continuously fail to finish what

God give you a deed, and you accept it. That’s how you can own His promises.

Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for… – Hebrews 11:1, AMP If I wanted to give you my house, I’d hire an attorney to create a document called a deed, or title.

When you doubt, just ask God for reassurance. He’s happy to give it.

…for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. – Hebrews 13:5, KJV My 8-year old daughter was sitting quietly next to me as the two of us – along with my father-in-law, my son, and my

It’s amazing what you can learn while falling 211 feet at 80 mph.

The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the Lord. – Proverbs 21:31, KJV I’m old enough to know better than to ride roller coasters at my age, but I just had to do it. I just finished my first excursion at Carowinds Thrill Park