BEST OF TQFG: You never know what you’re going to get in return for committing to God.

Photo Courtesy of Bureau of Land Management

We hope you enjoy this re-post from September 24, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

…Your people shall be my people and your God my God. – Ruth 1:16, AMP

I’m not proud of it, but I turned my back on The Lord during the last three years I was in college. After graduating, I took a job with a life insurance company which, after some training, moved me to Augusta, GA.

As I prepared for the move, I began to have a burden to return to The Lord. While visiting some family prior to the move, I mentioned my impending move – and burden – to a great-aunt of mine. She happened to have a friend that lived in Augusta, and before long, my great-aunt’s friend invited me to her church.

On the first day I visited, a church usher escorted me to the single’s Sunday School class. He let me know that a greeter would meet me at the door, and he let me know that male greeters were supposed to greet male visitors and female greeters were supposed to greet female visitors. Upon my arrival, though, the male greeter was already showing another visitor around. So, instead, the female greeter took charge of this wayward visitor, introducing me to the folks in the class. In about a month or so, this wayward visitor and his greeter went on their first date, and about eighteen months later, we were married. Now, nearly two decades since our first meeting, my wife and I enjoy the most tremendous friendship I could possibly imagine.

Years ago, I made a simple decision to leave the desert and to take a step back into the Lord’s will. I had no idea at the time what that decision would mean for my future, and I really had no idea that The Lord would introduce me to my spouse in response to that decision. Neither did Ruth. In Ruth 1, Ruth decided to turn her back on her pagan homeland to serve both Naomi and Naomi’s God. In chapter 2, God rewarded Ruth’s decision by giving her a wonderful spouse and, ultimately, by allowing her to participate in the lineage of Jesus Christ as the great-grandmother of King David.

It is impossible for us to predict what God will bring to pass in our lives when we choose Him over our own selfish desires. But, we can rest assured that He will bring to pass His blessings, and we know this because of the promise of Psalm 37:5 (AMP):

Commit your way to the Lord [roll and repose each care of your load on Him]; trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) also in Him and He will bring it to pass.

Thankfully and wonderfully, God never breaks His promises!

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