BEST OF TQFG: Would you be happy if you were rich beyond your wildest dreams?

We hope you enjoy this re-post from July 8, 2014. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team


As for the rich in this world, charge them not to be proud and arrogant and contemptuous of others, nor to set their hopes on uncertain riches, but on God, Who richly and ceaselessly provides us with everything for [our] enjoyment. – 1 Timothy, 6:17, Amplified Bible (AMP)

If money buys lasting joy, then why was Wayne Huizenga, Jr. miserable?

According to

Living a life of power, prestige, excitement and wealth, Wayne Huizenga, Jr. regularly dined at the world’s banquet table. Working alongside his father, the Chairman of Waste Management Inc, Junior enjoyed the perks that came with wealth, including owning three professional sports teams. He was free to drink heavily and quick to offer unvarnished comments and opinions to anyone in the room.  He had available to him all the things the world had to offer-yet was never satisfied.

One day he recognized himself as “lost–happy but unfulfilled.” Something was missing in his life…until an unlikely friendship began, leading to a previously unthinkable change in his life. Now no longer unfulfilled, Junior’s definition of success has a new meaning!

What is his definition now? Knowing that those he loves will go to Heaven with him!

So what happened? As Jr. recounts in the video above, he had an opportunity to sail from South Carolina to Florida with a couple of friends on a nuclear submarine. He immediately hit it off with Captain Brad Fleetwood McDonald, the sub’s commanding officer, and before long, they were incredible friends. Jr. began asking the Captain questions about leadership, and as Jr. comments, “Who better than a man that commands 120 gentlemen underneath the ocean for six months at a time?” Every time he asked Captain McDonald about leadership, the Captain had his Bible. Noticing a peace about the Captain that he had never before witnessed, Jr. asked his friend, “Why are we so different?” The Captain replied:

You have a hole in your heart that is consuming everything you are trying to fill it with. The only thing that will fill that hole is a personal relationship with God.

Jr. returned home, found a church to attend, and accepted Christ as his Savior at the end of the very first sermon he heard!

Can money buy happiness? Yes, but it can only buy the fleeting, unfulfilling happiness that comes from the pursuit of pleasure. It cannot buy lasting joy and heart peace. The only currency that can afford those prized possessions is the love of Jesus Christ.

Incidentally, you never know whom God will give you the chance to befriend. You may someday have the chance to witness to your own Wayne Jr., and if you do, be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in you.

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