BEST OF TQFG: When you feel utterly alone, remember that God is with you from cradle to grave.

Photo Courtesy of PhotoAtelier

We hope you enjoy this re-post from September 11, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

…you who have been borne by Me from your birth…and even to hair white with age will I carry you. – Isaiah 46:3-4, AMP

There are times in life when you feel utterly alone. Perhaps everyone has indeed abandoned you. Perhaps no one has. Regardless, you feel deserted, depressed, and useless. You have failed at attaining your goals. Your passion for life is gone. You just feel like you’re treading water to keep from drowning.

Where can we find shelter from such misery? We can find it in the understanding that since the day of our birth in Christ, we’ve never been alone, nor will we ever be alone. At the moment of salvation, God was there to catch us as we were born from death unto life. He has walked with us (and continues to walk with us) by the way, guiding us as we grow throughout the challenges of each day. And, He will be there when the hairs of our head are white, our eyes dim, and our voice weak, ready to carry us from this world to our true home.

No true, born-again believer of Christ’s is ever alone. No matter what stage of life you are in, and no matter how alone you might feel, you haven’t been deserted, you shouldn’t feel depressed, and you absolutely are not useless. Whatever work you have to do with whatever life you have left, just make sure it brings you into a closer relationship with your Caretaker. As long as it does, you’ll know you’re not alone, and it won’t matter if anyone else on the planet notices what you are doing.

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