BEST OF TQFG: When everyone else fails you, remember that God keeps His promises.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from June 26, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

When the bow [rainbow] is in the clouds and I look upon it, I will [earnestly] remember the everlasting covenant or pledge between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth. – Genesis 9:16, AMP

People can be downright frustrating. Just when you think you know somebody, they do something completely contrary to the character you had ascribed to them. Just when you think you can trust somebody, they stab you in the back. And just when you think you understood somebody, they do something that totally confuses you.

Many times our disenchantment with others arises from a misunderstanding. Other times selfishness is the culprit behind the crime. Frequently, promises are broken, and friendships can be either strained or totally destroyed as a result.

In a world of broken promises and failed people, it can be hard to find stability. On my way home from a day saturated with instability (and rain), I saw something that I needed to see – a rainbow, a reminder that indeed there is stability in this life, and that stability is found in God.

Genesis 9 teaches us that the reason we have rainbows on the Earth is to remind God of His promise to never again destroy the Earth with a flood. I imagine there are rainbows all over the Earth every moment of every day, for no doubt our sins must make God want to destroy us several times a day. But I believe the rainbows are there just as much to remind us that in a world filled with broken promises, there is a Being that always honors His promises. When I saw the rainbow, the frustrations of the day melted away. In their place arose the peace that comes with knowing that God is in control and with knowing that God is always true to His promises.

When everyone else fails you, turn your eyes upon the Friend that never will. Life will be a whole lot easier to live if you do.

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