BEST OF TQFG: Wallow in the luxury of God’s peace.

Photo courtesy of Moyan Brenn.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from July 25, 2014. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

Commit your way to the Lord [roll and repose each care of your load on Him]; trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) also in Him and He will bring it to pass. – Psalm 37:5, Amplified Bible (AMP)

In Psalm 37:5, “commit” is the Greek word “galal,” which means:

  1. to roll (literally or figuratively)
  2. commit
  3.  remove
  4. roll (away, down, together)
  5. run down
  6. seek occasion,
  7. trust
  8. wallow

Together these definitions teach us to take the world of care that we carry on our shoulders and roll that world of care onto God’s shoulders. Worries, fears, the stressful anticipation tied to unfulfilled hopes and dreams – all of these pile layer upon layer of stress onto our souls. When we accept the invitation of Psalm 37:5 to roll our care upon Him, then we have the opportunity to revel in the tremendous peace that comes from knowing that God can and will supply our needs.

Of all the meanings of “galal” listed above, none stands out to me more than the word “wallow.” “Wallow” has several meanings, but here are two that I had never before encountered:

  1. To devote oneself entirely; especially : to take unrestrained pleasure : delight
  2. To become abundantly supplied : luxuriate

These meanings of the word “wallow” make the encouraging truth of Psalm 37:5 perfectly clear – once we devote ourselves entirely to God, we will be able to take unrestrained delight in the knowledge that God will abundantly supply our needs, hopes, and desires above all that we are able to ask and think. We will be able to indulge in a life filled with the heart peace that escapes most people, and all we have to do to enjoy such amazing peace is to give God control over our destinies.

Are you ready for a life of luxury? If so, commit everything to God, and He will grant you the luxurious, rare, and priceless treasure of heart peace.

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