BEST OF TQFG: The New Tolerance

We hope you enjoy this re-post from March 17, 2015. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing. – 1 Peter 3:17, KJV

According to

Not long ago, the word ‘tolerance’ meant ‘bearing or putting up with someone or something not especially liked’. However, now the word has been redefined to ‘all values, all beliefs, all lifestyles, all truth claims are equal’.1 Denying this makes a person ‘intolerant’, and thus worthy of contempt…

The new definition of ‘tolerance’ makes the Christian claims to exclusivity ‘intolerant’, which supposedly justifies much of the anti-Christianity in the media and the education system.

But this argument is glaringly illogical and self-refuting. That is, if these ‘tolerance’ advocates reject Christianity, then they are not treating this belief as ‘equal’. So, in practice, to paraphrase George Orwell in Animal Farm, all beliefs are equal, but some beliefs are more equal than others. The result is extreme intolerance towards Christianity from people who talk so much about tolerating all views. In short, they are intolerant of intolerance, so logically they should be intolerant of themselves!

It’s not hard to find examples of intolerance towards Christians these days as Christian bullying has become perfectly acceptable. For example, according to

A highly decorated US Navy chaplain has been relieved of duty and the Navy is moving to remove him from active duty because he had the temerity to actually be a Christian.

Lt. Commander Wes Modder, was accused of failing “to show tolerance and respect” in private counseling sessions regarding issues pertaining to faith, marriage and sexuality, specifically homosexuality and pre-marital sex, according to Fox News.

Military veteran and attorney Michael Berry said Modder, who is endorsed as a chaplain by the Assemblies of God, is being punished for his Christian faith.

Modder, chaplain at Naval Nuclear Power Training Command in Goose Creek, S.C., was given a “detachment for cause” letter February 17 after the Navy found him unable to “function in the diverse and pluralistic environment.”

The 19-year military veteran has a record full of praise and commendations.

Modder could lose his retirement benefits if the Navy convenes a board of inquiry and officially separates him before he completes 20 years of service, according to the Military Times.

Before he became a Navy chaplain, he served in the Marines, including tours with the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit and Naval Special Warfare Command, where he was the Force Chaplain of the Navy SEALs.”

How did this situation come about? A junior officer, who is homosexual and engaged in a homosexual “marriage,” repeatedly questioned Modder regarding his beliefs concerning the homosexual lifestyle. In addition, the junior officer apparently invaded the chaplain’s private counseling files in order to dig up evidence with which to accuse him of intolerance. As goes on to report:

Yes, you read that right. The homosexual chaplain’s assistant went into private counseling files, used advice he objected to — advice that was not given to him — as a pretext to file a complaint against LCDR Modder.

In short, the junior officer targeted Modder, purposely seeking to destroy the decorated Chaplain’s career.

How does one respond to such spiritual bullying? 1 Peter 3:13-17 (Amplified Bible) makes it clear:

13 Now who is there to hurt you if you are zealous followers of that which is good?

14 But even in case you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, [you are] blessed (happy, to be envied). Do not dread or be afraid of their threats, nor be disturbed [by their opposition].

15 But in your hearts set Christ apart as holy [and acknowledge Him] as Lord. Always be ready to give a logical defense to anyone who asks you to account for the hope that is in you, but do it courteously and respectfully.

16 [And see to it that] your conscience is entirely clear (unimpaired), so that, when you are falsely accused as evildoers, those who threaten you abusively and revile your right behavior in Christ may come to be ashamed [of slandering your good lives].

17 For [it is] better to suffer [unjustly] for doing right, if that should be God’s will, than to suffer [justly] for doing wrong.

Spiritual bullying is here, and it will only get worse. Sooner or later, you will be the target of it. Now is the time to determine how you will respond to it, and the question you have to answer is this: Will you bend to the pressures of men, or will you stand with the God who saved your soul?

Nothing is more important than standing with the Creator. No accolades of man, no money, no possessions – in short, nothing – is better than being true to the Savior. As 1 Peter 3:17 states, “For [it is] better to suffer [unjustly] for doing right, if that should be God’s will, than to suffer [justly] for doing wrong.” Be sure to remember that when the persecution comes.

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