BEST OF TQFG: Seize the opportunity to help others.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from June 17, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

Let Your ear now be attentive and Your eyes open to listen to the prayer of Your servant… – Nehemiah 1:6, AMP

When Nehemiah learned of the distressful status of his people in Jerusalem, he mourned for them. But Nehemiah did much more than mourn; he sought to help those in need.

Nehemiah’s first step in helping the people of Jerusalem was to take up the mantle of an intercessory prayer warrior. In Nehemiah 1:5-11, Nehemiah intercedes for the entire country, confessing the sins of his house and of his people and pleading for God’s mercy upon them all. Nehemiah knew that no work for God can be accomplished without the power of God behind it, and for that power he earnestly prayed.

But Nehemiah did not stop with prayer. He followed his prayer with action. As is evident in chapter 1 verse 11, Nehemiah desired to ask King Artaxerxes for permission to go to Jerusalem to oversee the work of rebuilding the city. In chapter 2 he received that permission, and from there Nehemiah took it upon himself to lead his people in restoring their long-dilapidated city.

Nehemiah understood on his own what Esther needed the help of Mordecai to realize. God had placed him in his position as the king’s cupbearer for such a time as this. Heroically, he recognized his responsibility to sacrifice his comfort and his position for the benefit of others, he seized the opportunity to do so, and he inspired a nation to return to faith in God.

Like Nehemiah, God has placed all of His children in places where, from time to time, there will be people in need. Many times our only opportunity to help will be through intercessory prayer, and we should definitely assume the role of intercessor when we see a need. But sometimes we will have opportunities to put actions behind our prayers, and we will be faced with the choice of inconveniencing ourselves in order to help those in need. All too often, we find excuses not to help, valuing our convenience over others’ needs. Woe to us when we do so, for not only do others suffer, we suffer by missing out on the blessings we could receive by doing the work God has presented to us.

Is there something going on in your life where it is obvious God has placed you where you are for such a time as this? If so, take the initiative like Nehemiah did. Pray for God’s mercy upon the situation and, if you see a way you can help, take the initiative to do so!

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