BEST OF TQFG: Make sure you are a wise investor.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from August 4, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

But then what benefit (return) did you get from the things of which you are now ashamed? [None] for the end of those things is death. – Romans 6:21, AMP

Why do people invest money in the stock market, or in real estate, or in a company of some kind? They do so for the express purpose of building wealth. People invest in various opportunities with the hope that every dollar they spend will return $1.50, or $2.00, or $10.  So long as the investment continues to grow, they stick with it until it makes sense to sell for a profit. If the investment stinks, they dump it as quickly as they can. It makes no sense to hold on to an investment that is losing money and that shows no sign of improving. It’s better to cut your losses, lick your wounds, and move on to the next opportunity.

In the spiritual realm, it is catastrophic to invest in sin because sin is always a losing proposition. As Paul writes in Romans 6:21, sin has no benefit; it provides no return on investment. Rather, it literally sucks the life out of you, which is why the end of sin – the wages of sin – is death.

Until the unsaved trust Christ as Savior, they have no choice but to invest in sin. They are slaves to sin, and it is their nature to pursue it. But we who are saved are not slaves to sin unless we willingly submit ourselves to it. We have a choice whether to invest in sin and the destruction that it brings, or to lay up treasures in Heaven by living life God’s way. When you take a bird’s eye view of life and remove the temporary pleasure of sin away from the equation, then the only logical investment in the spiritual realm is righteousness.

Take account of how you spend the time, the talent, and the treasure that God Almighty has granted you. How are you investing it? Are you spending these precious gifts on the loser investment of sin? Or, are you spending them on the ever-growing security of righteousness? May God help us all to be wise investors!

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