BEST OF TQFG: Let’s take a trip to the graveyard.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from October 24, 2014. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

But in your hearts set Christ apart as holy [and acknowledge Him] as Lord. Always be ready to give a logical defense to anyone who asks you to account for the hope that is in you, but do it courteously and respectfully. – 1 Peter 3:15, Amplified Bible (AMP)

Evolutionists love to cite the fossil record as proof of their theory. The funny thing is, it actually points to the reality of the Genesis flood. As Answers in Genesis states:

When we again read the biblical account of the Flood and ask ourselves what evidence we should expect, the answer is obvious—billions of dead plants and animals buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the world. And that’s exactly what we find. The global, cataclysmic Genesis Flood and its aftermath was an actual event in history, just as God tells us in His record of earth’s history.

Consider the following excerpts from the AIG article The World’s a Graveyard:

Countless billions of plant and animal fossils are found in extensive “graveyards” where they had to be buried rapidly on a massive scale…For example, billions of straight-shelled, chambered nautiloids are found fossilized with other marine creatures in a 7 foot (2 m) thick layer within the Redwall Limestone of Grand Canyon. This fossil graveyard stretches for 180 miles (290 km) across northern Arizona and into southern Nevada, covering an area of at least 10,500 square miles (30,000 km2). These squid-like fossils are all different sizes, from small, young nautiloids to their bigger, older relatives. To form such a vast fossil graveyard required 24 cubic miles (100 km3) of lime sand and silt, flowing in a thick, soup-like slurry at more than 16 feet (5 m) per second (more than 11 mph [18 km/h]) to catastrophically overwhelm and bury this huge, living population of nautiloids.

The excerpt above represents only one of several “graveyard” examples cited in the AIG article.  With so many graveyards scattered throughout the world, it is difficult to explain their existence aside from the Genesis flood.

Interestingly, many of the fossil graveyards that have been found include a mixture of sea creatures and land creatures. How could sea creatures and land creatures be buried at the same time and in the same place? Flood waters rose to cover the entire Earth, fossilizing sea and land creatures simultaneously. As AIG reports:

More than 100,000 fossil specimens, representing more than 400 species, have been recovered from a shale layer associated with coal beds in the Mazon Creek area near Chicago. This spectacular fossil graveyard includes ferns, insects, scorpions, and tetrapods buried with jellyfish, mollusks, crustaceans, and fish, often with soft parts exquisitely preserved…

Alligator, fish (including sunfish, deep sea bass, chubs, pickerel, herring, and garpike 3–7 feet [1–2 m] long), birds, turtles, mammals, mollusks, crustaceans, many varieties of insects, and palm leaves (7–9 feet [2–2.5 m] long) were buried together in the vast Green River Formation of Wyoming…

At Fossil Bluff on the north coast of Australia’s island state of Tasmania, many thousands of marine creatures (corals, bryozoans [lace corals], bivalves [clams], and gastropods [snails]) were buried together in a broken state, along with a toothed whale and a marsupial possum. Whales and possums don’t live together, so only a watery catastrophe would have buried them together!

Finally, consider the following examples of fossilization that point to a rapid, cataclysmic event that buried live creatures in an instant.

Some fish were buried alive and fossilized so quickly in the geologic record that they were “caught in the act” of eating their last meal [see picture above in this post]. Then there is the classic example of a female marine reptile, an ichthyosaur, about 6 feet (2 m) long, found fossilized at the moment of giving birth to her baby! One minute this huge creature was giving birth, then seconds later, without time to escape, mother and baby were buried and “snap frozen” in a catastrophic “avalanche” of lime mud.

Taken individually, an evolutionist could claim a localized catastrophe caused such evidences as those listed above. But taken together – and taking into account that there are several hundred fossil graveyards scattered around the world – the only explanation that makes sense is the Genesis flood.

The Bible is God’s Word, and the Creator has told us the truth about man’s past. Arm yourself with the facts that prove your faith is true, and be ready to give an answer for the hope that is in you, with courtesy and respect.

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