BEST OF TQFG: It’s time you learn how to accept a gift.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from August 7, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

Bear ye one another’s burdens… – Galatians 6:2, KJV

Years ago some dear friends of mine, Jerry and Lib, offered to pay my way to a small group coaching session with a very successful professional speaker. At the time I was trying to launch a professional seminar company, and my friends just knew the session would be beneficial to me.

When they offered to pay for the session, however, I politely refused. I was accustomed to being the supplier of gifts, not the recipient of them, and so my pride would not allow me to graciously take what they were offering. Lib looked at me sternly, her jaw set and her eyes glaring like those of my authoritarian fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Jones. Then she said, “Robbie, it’s time you learn how to accept a gift.”

I found the coaching session very helpful!

Pride manifests itself in many ways, and perhaps one of the most overlooked ways that it does is when we refuse help that is offered or when we’re too proud to ask for help when we know we need it.  When we allow pride to interrupt the flow of God’s grace coming to us through other people, we intensify our pain instead of remedying it. Also, our stubbornness has the effect of hurting others, for by refusing help we refuse to allow others the blessing of being a help. How do we feel when we’ve helped someone in need? Wonderful! But when our pride prevents others from helping us, we stop others from enjoying that same, wonderful feeling.

The next time you are in need, don’t be too proud to ask for or to accept help. By accepting the help, you’ll get through the valley more quickly, and your helpers will experience the joy of being there for you when you needed them.

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