BEST OF TQFG: It’s just another day in the jungle.

Photo courtesy of Rod Ramsey.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from May 3, 2014. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

The hand of the diligent will rule, but the slothful will be put to forced labor. – Proverbs 12:24, Amplified Bible, (AMP)

Last night I had the privilege of watching the elementary students at our Christian school perform the play, Patch the Pirate Goes to the Jungle.  Each Patch the Pirate adventure is a journey in character building, and Patch’s trip to the jungle is no different.

In one scene, Patch and his faithful entourage find themselves facing a jungle path so thickly covered with trees and bushes that there is no way to pass. Without hesitation, Pahloombo the “Giant” Head Hunter – who in reality is only about four feet tall – whips out his trusty machete and begins hacking away at the obstacles. Captain Patch praises the one-time head hunter turned Christian for his initiative, which launches the entire crew into singing a tune titled, “Initiative, That’s the Way.”

Indeed, initiative is one way that we please our Lord. The Bible is filled with lessons of destruction following slothfulness and prosperity following diligence, and all are proof that we reap what we sow. Part of diligence is taking the initiative to tackle a problem when you see one – without having to wait on someone else to prod you into action. Whether you see a pile of dirty dishes that needs cleaning, a load of laundry that needs washing, a neighbor that needs helping, or a task at work that needs doing, take the initiative to tackle the job. Surely, you won’t be able to tackle every need that you encounter; you’re don’t have enough energy, nor do you have the time, to fill every need. But, if you develop the habit of tackling the needs you can address, then The Lord will reward you for taking the initiative to help, when you are in a position to do so.

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