BEST OF TQFG: It dawned on me at the zoo.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from April 17, 2015. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team
And God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it [using all its vast resources in the service of God and man]; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and over every living creature that moves upon the earth. – Genesis 1:28, Amplified Bible (AMP)
It dawned on me at the zoo. Another example of the worlds’ hypocrisy was staring me in the face.
During an overnight field trip to the Atlanta Zoo with my youngest daughter’s fourth grade class, our tour instructor (Who was a fun guy!) constantly repeated a key message: most of the endangered species on the planet are endangered because of humanity’s destructive tendencies. I don’t disagree with this message. However, I found it comical when the following thought entered my mind: Why should anyone who believes in evolution care?
Key to the theory of evolution is the idea of natural selection, also commonly referred to as “survival of the fittest.” Although there are many components to this idea, one of them is this: species that are better at adapting to their environments survive, and those who aren’t as good at adapting don’t. So, it follows, since humanity is the “fittest,” we ought to thrive, and any animals that can’t keep up deserve to perish.
A true believer in evolution would have to agree with the above statement, at least in theory. In practice, however, most (at least in America) agree that preserving creation, not destroying it, is the right thing to do. In other words, they ACT in total contradiction to their BELIEF, understanding at a subconscious level that their belief cannot be practically applied to real life.
If you were to ask evolutionists why they desire to preserve creation, they might give you any number of answers, none of which would address the root issue. What is the root issue? Nature. Anything that produces offspring produces offspring that is similar to itself. Cats beget cats, not dolphins. Giraffes beget giraffes, not otters. Likewise, “survival of the fittest” forces would produce creatures who survive and thrive with no concern for those things which get in their way. But that’s not what we have. We have, instead, a myriad of people who fight to preserve creation because they feel a moral duty to do so. Only moral processes can create moral creatures. Natural selection is not moral. The God of the Bible is.
There are many verses in the Bible pertaining to environmental stewardship, and together they make it pretty clear that God put into mankind a conscience to preserve creation, a sense of duty that is perfectly in tune with our Creator’s own nature. Are there those that act in defiance of this duty? Sure. People are pretty good at defying their consciences. But, defying conscience is a learned skill. Naturally, we are quick to respect other life, not destroy it. The wonder I saw in the kids’ eyes at the zoo is all the proof I need of this truth.
In sum, the zoo reminded me that those who deny God rarely, if ever, behave in a way that would be consistent with their evolutionary belief. The way they desire to preserve creation is just one example. Instead, they act in accordance with the world they live in, a world created by the God of the Bible – a world subject to His rules of order and morality, not evolution’s disorder and amorality.
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