BEST OF TQFG: I’ll bet you didn’t know that love is the key to great decision making.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from October 1, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

And this I pray: that your love may abound… So that you may surely learn to sense what is vital… and of real value… – Philippians 1:9-10, Amplified Bible (AMP)

To make good decisions, we need discernment. “Discernment” is defined by Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary as “the quality of being able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure.”  The word “obscure” means:

1 : shrouded in or hidden by darkness
2 : not clearly seen or easily distinguished : faint
3 : not readily understood or clearly expressed; also : mysterious

So, in order to make good decisions, we need the ability to understand what is not readily understandable and to perceive what is not readily perceivable. Although education and experience can improve our discernment in many areas of life, neither education nor experience is the key to making right decisions in the vital things of life. The key to right decision making in such areas is charity.

In Philippians 1:9-10, God (through Paul) ties “insight,” “discernment,” and the “knowledge” of what is vital, excellent, and really valuable in life to a foundation of charity. It is through charity that we understand our wants, needs, and passions take a back seat to our service to God first and to others second. It is through charity that pride gives way to humility, allowing us to replace a life of contention with a life of rich relationships. And, it is through charity we learn that the only things of real value are those matters which stretch beyond this life into eternity. With such insight – insight that is indeed hidden to those who lack charity – we will make decisions that have tremendous impact on the world around us.

The discernment charity brings will often lead us to make decisions that don’t make sense to those around us. Acquaintances, friends, and even close family members may think us woefully wrong in the choices we make. But, the more charitable we become, the more effective we will be in making decisions that are right in God’s eyes, not man’s. Why? Christ is the source of true charity, and the more charity we have, the more of Christ we have working in us, molding us into His way of thinking and acting. Thinking and acting like Christ has been and always will be weird to those who don’t think and act like Him. But as Christ molds us into His image, we experience an eternal way of thinking that once was hidden to us. His way of thinking then enables us to choose what is vital, excellent, and of real value both in our present and for our eternal future.

May God fill us with Himself so that His love will lead us to make right decisions today, tomorrow, and forever!

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