BEST OF TQFG: I want to hold your hand!

2We hope you enjoy this re-post from September 15, 2014. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

For I the Lord your God hold your right hand; I am the Lord, Who says to you, Fear not; I will help you! – Isaiah 41:13, Amplified Bible (AMP)

Over the years, I’ve had many opportunities to encourage my children when they have been afraid. Although the methods of encouragement have varied depending on the situation, sometimes the cure has been as simple as holding a trembling hand. When this has been the appropriate response, it has been amazing to witness how the fear flees as soon as a reassuring touch is provided.

Just like a child can be reassured by a parent holding his or her hand, we can be reassured by our Heavenly Father holding ours. Even great men like Isaiah, David, and Asaph needed a Parent’s touch from time to time, and in verses like Isaiah 41:13, Psalm 63:8, and Psalm 73 they demonstrated how encouraging it is to remember that God, in a spiritual sense, holds our hand in times of trouble.

The key to benefitting from God’s reassuring touch is, as you might imagine, to ask Him for it. Too often, our first response is to tackle our fear in our own power, which is why we don’t overcome it effectively. Instead, our first response should be to ask God to take our fear from us. When we ask for God’s encouragement, He will provide it, just like when we ask Him for anything according to His will. He may provide it through a friend. He may provide it through a family member. He may provide it through a Bible verse. No matter how He manifests His encouragement, the reality is that He will take our outstretched hands when we offer them to Him, and when He does, His touch will take away our fear.

Are you afraid of something? Of someone? Then take the issue to The Lord in prayer. Ask Him to hold your hand. Ask Him to encourage you in the way He knows you need. Then sit back and enjoy as you feel God’s holy touch draining your fear from you!

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