BEST OF TQFG: How to approach life’s distractions.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from April 15, 2015. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team
For a certain woman, whose young daughter had an unclean spirit, heard of him, and came and fell at his feet: – Mark 7:25, KJV
Life is filled with distractions. It doesn’t matter what stage of life we are in, there are things we need to do, and there are things that distract us from doing those needful things. In the midst of the buzz, we would do well to remember the simple question that was oh, so popular in the U.S. some years ago: What would Jesus do (WWJD)?
Christ is our perfect example for how to live life, and asking “WWJD?” forces us to consider what Jesus DID do in biblical situations that are similar to our own. In Mark 7:24-30, we learn what Jesus’ attitude was towards distractions, and we learn how He dealt with those distractions which were pressing.
While lodging in the area of Tyre and Sidon, Christ was approached by a Gentile woman (a Syrophenician by nationality) whose daughter was possessed by a demon. She begged Christ to banish the demon, but in response Jesus said, “no.” His reason? He had been sent to minister to the children of Israel – not to the Gentiles – and He did not want to be distracted from His mission. In great faith, however, the woman pressed upon Christ for mercy. In return for her faith and for her persistent, He answered her request, saving her daughter from the power of the demon.
In this short account we learn from Christ how we should interact with life’s distractions. First, say “no” to those things which would pull us away from the things God has assigned us to do. Amazingly, most things you say “no” to go away immediately. Secondly, do what you must to address the distractions that are pressing. Those needs which don’t go away easily when you say “no” will often deserve some of your time. In such cases, deal with the issue as quickly as possible, and then return promptly to those needful things which God has assigned you to address.
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