BEST OF TQFG: He that loves pleasure shall be a poor man.

Photo courtesy of John Christian Fjellestad.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from June 11, 2014. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

He that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man: he that loveth wine and oil shall not be rich. – Proverbs 21:17, KJV

Merriam Webster’s Dictionary defines “gluttony” as “excess in eating or drinking.” Most people familiar with the term “gluttony” are aware of this definition. But, many people familiar with the term “gluttony” are not aware of the other, broader meaning of the term. As MWD reports, “gluttony” is also:

greedy or excessive indulgence

Although eating too much and drinking (alcoholic beverages) too much are usually associated with gluttony, the term “gluttony” applies to anything we greedily or excessively indulge in, or take pleasure in. If we indulge in sports too much, we are guilty of gluttony. If we indulge in movies, books, or shopping too much, we are guilty of gluttony. If we take pleasure in anything to the degree that it hinders our ability to accomplish the work God has given us to do, then we are guilty of gluttony. As Proverbs 21:17 teaches, when we love pleasure more than the work we’ve been given to do, we shall be poor, both monetarily – for having wasted money on frivolous things – and spiritually – for having hurt our relationship with God by pursuing fleeting things rather than the work He gave us to do.

In the beginning, God created six days for work and the seventh day for rest. Too often, we live our lives as if God meant to structure the week with six days for rest and one day for work. As is always the case, when we do things in reverse order from what God intended, we will suffer horrible consequences for our disobedience. However, if we right our ships and live according to God’s design, then God’s blessings will flow.

Take account of yourself. How is your work ethic? Are you a glutton given to pleasure? Or, are you a hard worker who enjoys the pleasures of rest every now and then, as God intended?

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