BEST OF TQFG: God would be glad to talk with you once you decide to give Him your undivided attention.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from August 8, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

Be still, and know that I am God… – Psalm 46:10, KJV

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone where, at the end of the conversation, you had absolutely no idea what the other person has been saying to you?  We’ve all done it, and the reason we were clueless at the end of the conversation is that our minds were occupied with other matters. Maybe we were thinking about the next item on our to-do list. Maybe we were thinking about our upcoming vacation. Or maybe we couldn’t stop complaining to ourselves about how utterly boring this person was. Regardless of the reason for our preoccupation, we couldn’t focus on what the other person was saying because we were distracted by some other concern.

Many God-loving, God-fearing people suffer from this very problem when it comes to conversing with God. We try mightily to engage in a conversation with God, and we desire tremendously to draw closer to Him. But, we fall short of sweet communion with Him because we are always preoccupied with other concerns. Our failure to connect with God leaves us vulnerable to the frustrations of life, and when those frustrations come we are defeated by them rather than victorious over them.

When we allow other matters to flood our minds, we crowd out the matter that matters most: communion with God. The remedy for this ailment is simple, it’s fast, and it’s entirely up to us. All we have to do is choose to be still. Distracting thoughts interrupt our communion with God only because we let them. When we understand that our relationship with God is more important than anything else on the planet, we will choose to clear our minds, to stop being victimized by the frenzy of daily life, and to simply be still. Then and only then, we’ll be able to hear clearly what God has to say to us through prayer and Bible reading. The more we hear God, the more we understand Him. The more we understand God, the more we become like Him. The more we become like Him, the more victorious we will be over life’s frustrations.

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