BEST OF TQFG: God doesn’t mind proving Himself to you. He proves Himself to people all of the time.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from February 18, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? – Matthew 14:31, KJV

Peter suffered a failure of faith while walking on the water towards Jesus (Matthew 14:30). He knew Jesus was real, and He knew Jesus could work miracles. Yet, he doubted Christ’s ability to conquer the storm. Thomas suffered a failure of faith after Christ’s resurrection (John 20:25). He had acknowledged Jesus as Lord, yet he questioned Jesus’ ability to fulfill His promise to conquer death. James, Jesus’ half brother, grew up knowing Jesus, but he did not believe for much of his life that his half-brother was the Son of God (John 7:5).

Whether someone is a believer who doubts Jesus’ power or an unbeliever who doubts Jesus status as God, Jesus is willing to lovingly, gently prove Himself to the skeptic. He showed Peter His power by rescuing him from the storm. He proved Himself to Thomas by showing him the nail prints in His resurrected hands. And He convinced James of his Deity by demonstrating His power to overcome death.

If you are in a season of doubt, take comfort in the fact that you are not alone. Great men and women of faith have also doubted at times, but they have been rescued from their doubt by the God who is sovereign over doubt. Also take comfort in the fact that Jesus is tremendously patient with us, and He knows how frail we are. He is willing to prove Himself real to us, if we will but let Him. So, let Him. Cry out to Christ to show Himself real to you today, and He will no doubt honor your request. Once He has rescued you from your season of doubt, your faith in Christ will be stronger than ever!

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