BEST OF TQFG: God doesn’t care how strong you are in your faith, there could come a time when you doubt Him.

Photo courtesy of Damian Gadal.
We hope you enjoy this re-post from October 8, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team
And when they saw Him, they fell down and worshiped Him; but some doubted. – Matthew 28:17, Amplified Bible
Evangelist Ron Comfort founded Ambassador Baptist College in 1989. Early in the college’s ministry, a gentleman named Ken Love, now in Heaven with The Lord, served alongside Dr. Comfort. A former missionary to Brazil and father of four sons serving in Christian ministry, Mr. Love lived a life of faith and worked hard to embed a love for Christ in his family.
While serving at Ambassador, Ken suffered a heart attack that almost took his life. Twice he died while medical staff worked on him, and twice they successfully revived him. In a subsequent conversation with Dr. Comfort, Ken admitted to his friend, “In all my Christian life, I’ve never struggled with assurance of my salvation. But while I was in the Intensive Care Unit, the Devil bombarded me with doubt, and I questioned my eternity.”
It doesn’t matter how strong in our faith we are, there are times when doubt can creep into our hearts and minds. Even some of the disciples who walked with Christ Himself suffered doubt when they laid their eyes on the resurrected Savior. If they were not immune to doubt, can we be?
The Enemy has great resources at his disposal, and he is able to make us doubt our salvation, our Savior’s motives, and even our Savior’s existence. When the doubt comes – and it will – remember that the cure for doubt is the same as the cure for damnation: total dependence on Christ. Just as we trust Christ to save us from the penalty of sin, we can trust Him to save us from the pain of doubt and confusion. Just as Christ is ready, willing, and able to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness, Christ is ready, willing, and able to conquer Satan’s doubt with His supernatural reassurance. We are His children, He loves us no matter what circumstances may prompt us to think, He absolutely does exist, and He is more than happy to reassure us of these things, if we will but ask Him to.
The next time you find yourself horribly in doubt, simply pray the prayer of the desperate father in Mark 9:24 (KJV), “Lord, I believe; help though mine unbelief.” Just as Christ healed the son in response to his father’s prayer, He’ll conquer our doubt in response to ours.
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