BEST OF TQFG: Coming alongside.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from April 25, 2015. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. – Galatians 6:2, King James Version (KJV)

I have a friend whose husband of nearly sixty years is at death’s door. When I last spoke with her, she sounded rather upbeat, despite the gravity of the situation. As she told me during our conversation, the central source of her strength is the loving God who saved both her soul and her husband’s many years ago. But during our chat I picked up on something in particular that God was using to bring her the encouragement we all need at such times: the faithful presence of loving friends and family.

Since her husband took a turn for the worse a few days ago, family and friends have been at her side constantly. Church members have brought food for her and her guests, and many have called to express their love and sympathy. Due to the love of godly people who desire to bear her burden with her, my friend doesn’t have to face the darkness of her husband’s death alone.

We all need help at various times in our lives, and it’s our pride that makes us think we don’t. With life comes weighty burdens, and when those troubles come we should accept the help of those who offer it. In return, we should be quick to offer help to those under such weights, taking time out of our all-too-busy schedules to exemplify the love that Christ said would mark true believers in Him. Sit with a friend. Make a caring call. Bring over some food. Ask how you can help. Reminisce about a life well-lived. Just be there, and those for whom you help shoulder the burden will be eternally grateful.

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