BEST OF TQFG: Brian takes a walk.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from March 20, 2015. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

A man’s mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps and makes them sure. – Proverbs 16:9, Amplified Bible (AMP)

My friend Brian was becoming more and more disgruntled at work. Recently, he came home and told his wife, “I am not happy at work. I wonder if it is time to start looking for something else.” Within hours of making this statement, the phone rang, and a recruiter was on the other line. The recruiter asked Brian if he’d be interested in interviewing with a certain company. The firm, which is engaged in the same type of work for which Brian is trained, was located only thirty minutes from his home, so he accepted the invitation. During the interview process, he was asked about his desired salary range. He gave his high and his low numbers, the interview ended, and he went home. In a very short amount of time, he received a job offer, and the offered salary was $2,000 below the high end of the salary range he proposed. But, the job offer included a $2,000 signing bonus, making his first-year compensation exactly what he asked for!

He starts his new job next week.

Circumstances, coupled with prayer, counsel from trusted friends, and heart peace from God made it obvious to Brian and to his wife that the Lord was directing him to a new workplace. Many of us wish God would make His will for us equally apparent, but here’s a little secret: He does! God isn’t ambiguous about His will for our lives (Was God ever unclear about His will in the Bible? No!). The confusion is our fault! Our confusion about God’s will arises from one or more of the following:

  1. Not living holy lives, making us incapable of understanding His will, and/or (See Romans 12:2.)
  2. Failing to be in constant communion with Him, making us incapable of discerning His will, and/or (See Joshua 1:8, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-19, and John 7:17.)
  3. Understanding His will but refusing to accept it, asking Him to bless our plans instead, and continually being confused when our plans don’t work out. (See Jeremiah 42-43.), and/or
  4. Recognizing God’s will, accepting it, but not waiting on the Lord’s timing, which causes us to fail and wonder if we misinterpreted God’s will. (See Exodus 2:11-15.)

If we will take care of the four issues above, then we will be able to recognize what God’s next step for our lives is. Through circumstances, through godly counsel, and through the witness of the Holy Spirit that dwells within us (See 1 Corinthians 6:19 and Acts 16:6-10), He will make His will plain. We just have to be obedient enough to accept it, even when it messes with our plans. By the way, God’s will normally does mess with our plans, so we’d better figure out what Jeremiah figured out centuries ago – submitting to God’s will ALWAYS is better than trying to please men.

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