BEST OF TQFG: Begin with the end in mind.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from January 5, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team
So teach us to number our days, that we may get us a heart of wisdom. – Psalm 90:12, Amplified Bible
Years ago I read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by the late Stephen Covey. In his wisdom-filled book, Covey identified one of the seven habits of highly effective people as the habit of “beginning with the end in mind.” Successful people, Covey wrote, have a picture in mind of what they want to accomplish before they act. Then, they jealously guard their time, limiting their behaviors and habits to only those things which will help them make their vision a reality.
Like all truth, the idea of beginning with the end in mind did not originate with man; it originated with God. In Pslam 90:12, God implores us to keep in sight the end of our lives so that we might gain a heart of wisdom. When we contemplate how short life is, we realize that time is precious, and we begin to understand what things are worth our time and what things aren’t. We become more capable of discerning the important from the unimportant. We become better suited to envision a life of purpose rather than a life of wasted effort. If we are not careful, however, we may be deceived as to what is truly important and what is not. To avoid deception, all we need do is understand this simple truth: Jesus Christ is wisdom.
In Proverbs 1:20 (KJV), the Bible states that, “Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the streets.” In this passage, which continues through verse 33 of Chapter 1, Wisdom is clearly the personification of a divine being, and that divine being is none other than Jesus Christ. Since Christ is wisdom, then it follows that gaining the heart of wisdom of Psalm 90:12 means gaining the heart of Christ.
Why should we number our days? Why should we begin with the end in mind? So that we may be able to envision a life guided by wisdom, which is to say, a life guided by Christ. With eternal rather than earthly matters on our minds, living Christ’s way seems a whole lot more sensible than living man’s way. If, however, living man’s way makes more sense to you than living Christ’s way, then your focus on the present has shrouded your view of your ultimate end.
Begin today with your end in mind. Reacquire the vision of how your brief life ought to be lived for Christ. Number your days, and regain your heart of wisdom!
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