BEST OF TQFG: Are you sluggish, dull, and slow?

We hope you enjoy this re-post from November 15, 2014. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

And [Jesus] said to them, O foolish ones [sluggish in mind, dull of perception] and slow of heart to believe (adhere to and trust in and rely on) everything that the prophets have spoken! – Luke 24:25, Amplified Bible (AMP)

The older I get the more I realize that I am sluggish of mind, dull of perception, and slow to believe. When God presents me with a truth that doesn’t make sense to my tiny brain, I stubbornly hold off on trusting that truth until my reason catches up with God’s reality. In some cases this “catch-up process” takes not hours, days, or months; it takes years. And all the while I’m playing catch-up, I know that my Savior is shaking His head in disappointment.

If there is any comfort in being a disappointment to my God, it is the sad reality that I am not alone in being sluggish, dull, and slow to believe. Even some of the disciples who walked with Christ doubted when they saw Him risen in Matthew 28:17. Although the Bible doesn’t specify what it was the doubters questioned, the fact is that they did question, and Christ lovingly proved Himself to them until their faith overcame their doubt.

As commentator Matthew Henry so eloquently put it:

Even among those that worship there are some that doubt. The faith of those that are sincere, may yet be very weak and wavering…Jesus came, and spoke unto them. Though there were those that doubted, yet, he did not therefore reject them; for he will not break the bruised reed. He did not stand at a distance, but came near, and gave them such convincing proofs of his resurrection, as turned the wavering scale, and made their faith to triumph over their doubts.

If your heart of faith is playing “catch-up” with your mind of reason, understand that you are not alone. But, also understand that your lack of faith isn’t pleasing to God; only trusting in Him is. Pray that God will help you out of your untrusting state into one of deep faith, and He will be faithful to do so, one proof at a time.

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