BEST OF TQFG: A little bit of time spent with God goes a long way towards making life easier to handle.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from September 21, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

Great peace have they who love Your law; nothing shall offend them or make them stumble. – Psalm 119:165, Amplified Bible (AMP)

True peace, no matter what the circumstances, is indeed attainable, but only through God. In his commentary on Psalm 119:165, commentator Matthew Henry writes about those who love God’s law:

…nothing shall be a scandal, snare, or stumbling-block to them, to entangle them either in guilt or grief. No event of providence shall be either an invincible temptation or an intolerable affliction to them, but their love to the word of God shall enable them both to hold fast their integrity and to preserve their tranquility. (Matthew Henry Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible)

In other words, love of the Word of God, which produces a constant study of and mediation upon it, creates within the believer a level of immunity to temptation and a certain callousness to circumstance. By no means do I claim that a believer can become completely immune to temptation or completely unaffected by circumstance. I am claiming, however, that a believer’s ability to withstand temptation and to deal with difficult circumstances increases as his/her love of and time spent meditating on God’s Word increases. In effect, he/she will become more holy. Just as Moses’ face shown with holiness by fellowshipping with God for forty days on Mount Sinai, so our spirits can shine with holiness if we are in constant fellowship with God.

I know this to be true in my own life. All too often, I allow the pressures of life to crowd out my daily prayer time and Bible study time with the Lord. Invariably, my failure to spend personal time with my Lord and Saviour results in a short temper, worry, doubt, and fear over even the smallest of things. On such a day, a misplaced pen may produce a not-so-discreet word or a missing document a temper tantrum.

On the contrary, when I’ve been successful in keeping my appointment with God, very little phases me. On such a day, if a big real estate deal falls through or my car breaks down, I’m more likely to quote Romans 8:28 (And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.) than throw a tantrum. Without a doubt, my ability to resist temptation and to handle displeasing circumstances increases and decreases in direct proportion to the time I spend with my God and with His Word.

Isaiah 32:17 states, “And the work [or, the effect] of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.” If you love God’s Word and spend time in it you cannot help but enjoy the righteousness that God’s wisdom produces. When you enjoy that righteousness, you shall have peace, and nothing shall offend you or cause you to offend a holy and righteous God.

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