BEST OF TQFG: 18 Signs You Have A Terrible Boss

We hope you enjoy this re-post from October 17, 2014. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up. – 1 Corinthians 13:4, KJV

In her article 18 Signs You Have A Terrible Boss, Jacquelyn Smith listed the following as signs that you and your boss may not be on the same wavelength:

  1. Your boss is never, ever wrong.
  2. Your boss over promises.
  3. Your boss expects you to be just like them.
  4. They have a pesky habit of calling you on your day off.
  5. Your boss is a micro-manager.
  6. They don’t want to hear your viewpoint.
  7. Your boss has favorites.
  8. Their feedback isn’t relevant.
  9. They’re passive aggressive or ignore you.
  10. Your boss hogs the limelight.
  11. Your boss constantly changes their mind.
  12. They’re quick to blame you for mistakes, but rarely express gratitude when you succeed.
  13. You’re not given a chance to grow.
  14. It’s getting harder for you to wake up in the morning.
  15. Your boss never discusses your future with you.
  16. Your boss throws tantrums easily.
  17. Your work is never enough.
  18. Your boss operates by irrational fear.

When I read Ms. Smith’s list, I wondered how many people – bosses and non-bosses alike – share some or all of these 18 behaviors.  The odds are good that the number is quite large, and I daresay it is for this reason: self-centeredness undergirds each of the 18, and we all struggle with self-centeredness to some degree.

In contrast, take a look at the types of behaviors that others-centeredness generates. To what do I refer by “others-centeredness?” Charity. Christian love. As 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 states, charity:

  1. Endures everything
  2. Is patient
  3. Is kind
  4. Is never envious
  5. Is never jealous
  6. Is never boastful
  7. Is never vain
  8. Is never haughty
  9. Is never arrogant or proud
  10. Is never rude
  11. Never insists on its own rights
  12. Is never self-seeking
  13. Is not easily offended
  14. Is never fretful
  15. Is never resentful
  16. Pays no attention to a suffered wrong
  17. Does not rejoice at unrighteousness or injustice
  18. Rejoices when right and truth prevail
  19. Bears up under any stress
  20. Is ever ready to believe the best of every person
  21. Produces hope that never fades, no matter what the circumstances
  22. Does all of the above forever

When you look into the mirror of these two lists, which list better describes you? If you have to admit that List #1 sounds more familiar, then realize this: you need more of the charity that produces List #2. Where do you find more charity? In the Word of God. In a deeper prayer life with your Creator. In other words, quantity time spent with God. Make the effort to spend more fellowship time with God, and He’ll reward your effort by adding more charity to your character.

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