BEST OF TQFG: The unnecessary conflict.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from November 21, 2014. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

And Peter answered them, Repent (change your views and purpose to accept the will of God in your inner selves instead of rejecting it)… – Acts 2:38a, Amplified Bible (AMP)

We create so much unnecessary conflict in our lives. Programmed by human nature to want what we want when we want it, we fight against anyone – including God – who stands in the way of our getting what we want.

If you are a student, for example, how do you react when a teacher tells you to do something that you don’t want to do? If you are a child, what thoughts do you have when mom or dad ask you to do your chores? If you are an employee, what kinds of emotions do you experience when your boss gives you a project that you absolutely don’t want to undertake? Whenever the will of those in authority over us contradicts our own will, we aren’t very happy. Even if we don’t show our unhappiness outwardly, we stew on the inside, and that stewing leads to emotional stress that can turn into bitterness, if we’re not careful.

When God, who is our ultimate authority, shows us His will, we usually discover that what God wants for our lives isn’t what we want – or so we think. During whatever length of time we fight God, we cook up both emotional and spiritual stress that makes life much less enjoyable than it could be. But when we come to the point of repentance as defined in Acts 2:38, we stumble upon a truth that only the obedient can know: casting aside our will in favor of God’s is the purest, fastest path to true joy.

When we change our views and purpose to accept God’s will for our lives, our inner selves no longer suffer turmoil. Instead, we experience the peace of God that passes all understanding, no matter what our outward circumstances may be. We can never win a brawl with God, which is why we will be miserable as long as we fight Him. But once we yield to God’s will, we can never lose a fight to circumstance, so long as we trust in, lean on, and rely on the Creator who has overcome the world. Understanding this latter reality serves up perfect peace to our souls.

Are you suffering inner turmoil today? If so, ask yourself this piercing question, “Are you yielded to God’s will for your life?” The odds are pretty good that there is something in your life that you have not yet yielded to The Lord. Until you yield all of yourself, the turmoil will remain.

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