BEST OF TQFG: Does God really help those who help themselves?

We hope you enjoy this re-post from November 20, 2014. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. – 2 Thessalonians 3:10, KJV

For generations people have made this false statement: the Bible says that God will help those who help themselves. Feel free to search for this phrase in the Bible, but your search will be fruitless. It isn’t in there. So, if it isn’t in there, why do so many people think that it is?

The Bible preaches in favor of diligent, faith-based action and against a slothful, lazy character. A swift read of Proverbs makes this abundantly clear, but the pattern of “work brings reward while laziness brings destruction” is found throughout the Bible, not just in Proverbs. Generations ago, someone must have paraphrased this biblical pattern into the statement, “God helps those who help themselves,” and while it’s not a perfect reflection of biblical teaching (God specializes in helping those who CAN’T  help themselves), it does clearly articulate that God rewards hard work.

If you are reading this and are currently in an unpleasant situation, certainly pray to God for deliverance. But, be careful not to be like this guy:

A little town was once flooded due to torrential rains, and one of the town folk was trapped on the roof of his house. He prayed to God for deliverance, and not long after he prayed, a couple of men floated by in a boat, offering to rescue him. The man on the roof said, “Thank you so much, but I’ve asked God to rescue me, and I’m going to wait here for His miracle!”  The man kept praying, and soon another rescue boat came by. After he gave the people in the second boat the same answer he gave the people in the first boat, he kept praying. Soon, a helicopter came by, dropping him a rope ladder to climb. He waived the helicopter off, thanking them for their effort but waiting for God’s miracle. Finally, the flood waters overcame the man, and he drowned.

Upon his arrival in Heaven, the man asked Jesus, “Lord, why didn’t you save me from the flood?”

Jesus replied, “I sent you two boats and a helicopter. Why didn’t you take the help?”

Too often we act like the guy on the roof. We pray to God for deliverance from a bad situation without lifting a finger to do anything about it.  Rather than sitting idly by waiting for a miracle, we should ask God to reveal to us what He wants us to do. Now, if God shows you that He doesn’t want you to do anything, then don’t do anything. Sometimes, God wants to solve your problem all by Himself. More often than not, however, God will want you to participate in the effort, for only by requiring your participation can He build the virtue of diligence into your character. When He shows you what you should do, then do it. Until you do, He will withhold His abundant blessings from you. Once you do, He will let His abundant blessings flow.

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