BEST OF TQFG: Trying to buy your way to Heaven is like trying to make 10 million pairs of socks with your own two hands.

We hope you enjoy this re-post July 30, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

7 None of them can by any means redeem [either himself or] his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him—8 For the ransom of a life is too costly, and [the price one can pay] can never suffice—9 So that he should live on forever and never see the pit (the grave) and corruption. – Psalm 47:7-9, AMP

Imagine for a moment that you are the child of a wealthy family. You’ve just been kidnapped, and the thieves have demanded that your family pay $10 million in 48 hours, or you die. Your family complies, and they agree to pay the alotted money within the alotted time. But, you refuse to allow your family to pay your ransom! Instead, you tell the kidnappers that you’ll raise your own $10 million in 48 hours, and you’ll do so by weaving and selling socks. You expect to make $1 profit off of each pair of socks you sell, so you are in the clear once you make and sell 10 million pairs of socks with knitting needles, yarn, and your own two hands – in 48 hours.

I’m sure the funeral will be lovely.

Since the beginning of time, Satan has kidnapped every eternal soul that God has created. Bound in chains of sin and condemned to suffer eternally, so many people foolishly believe that they can pay their own ransom through their own efforts. But the price of eternal redemption is too high for any person to pay, and to attempt to do so is as futile as weaving and selling 10 million pairs of socks with your own two hands in 48 hours.

We are children of a wealthy family – God’s family – and Jesus Christ lovingly and sacrificially paid the only ransom sufficient to redeem us from eternity’s kidnapper. Christ paid for our freedom with His own blood, and those who reject the ransom money reject the only way to escape from eternal imprisonment.

Remember that the next time you have an opportunity to witness to someone, you are being given an opportunity to deliver the ransom money to a kidnapped soul in desperate need of deliverance. Please perform the same wonderful act of kindness that someone once performed for you; deliver the redemption money. It’ll be up to the imprisoned one to decide whether to accept God’s ransom money or to continue making socks on their own.

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