BEST OF TQFG: Mark vs. Grandma

We hope you enjoy this re-post from October 20, 2014. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee. – Psalm 116:7, King James Version (KJV)

A fellow named Mark Little once recounted his childhood adventures on family road trips. Whenever the family had a long way to go, Mark enjoyed the trips, having the habit of resting comfortably in the knowledge that his father was carefully guiding the car. From time to time, however, Mark’s grandmother would ride along, and her attitude towards those road trips was quite different from Mark’s. Rather than trusting in the steady hand of his father, Grandma would take on the role of backseat driver. Never satisfied with the father’s performance, Grandma would constantly bark instructions like, “Slow down.” “Speed up.” “Watch out for that car.” “Get over so people can pass you.” No doubt, those road trips when Grandma tagged along were stressful for Grandma – and for the rest of the family!

The difference between Mark’s interpretation of those road trips and his grandmother’s was a difference of trust. Mark, who trusted his father to steer the family safely, was able to rest during those trips. Grandma, who thought she knew better than Mark’s father, was constantly on edge. Both arrived safely at their destination. But one was able to enjoy the ride, while the other one was not.

Along the road trip of life, we have the same choice: trust our Father in Heaven to steer us correctly, or steer ourselves, thinking we know better than the all-knowing Creator. The former attitude brings with it rest and peace. The latter brings with it anxiety, fretfulness, and frenzy. Dear Christian, God will get you to your destination safely. The question is, will you allow yourself to enjoy the ride? Or, will you always be on edge, trying to control the wheel from the passenger’s seat?

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