BEST OF TQFG: Ever gone farming on a talent show?

We hope you enjoy this re-post from August 29, 2014. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. – Matthew 5:16, KJV

According to a 2007 study on church attendance in the United Kingdom, only 10% of the UK adult population go to church at least weekly. Yet, in April of 2013, quite a few more were added to that 10% for a few short, glorious minutes.

In April 2013, the Gospel Choir Incognito, led by Pastor Patrick George, stunned the viewers of Britain’s Got Talent with a moving praise song to The Lord (see video below).

I’ve watched the video several times, and each time I watch it I am amazed at the reaction of those in the audience – including the judges. What I see in their faces is awe mixed with joy. The awe and joy, no doubt, are highly attributable to the Gospel Choir’s beautiful performance. But, I think it is more than that. For a moment, Gospel Choir Incognito brought the light of God Almighty into a dark country, and people experienced a movement of the soul (which the judges acknowledged) that was fresh, new, and wonderful for most who watched.

I am under no delusion that anyone got saved as a result of listening to a 2-3 minute praise song. But, I believe a seed was planted in some minds and hearts; a seed, that is, of admiration for the God that most in Britain have forgotten.

You may not be a singer. You may not be a teacher. But, you are exactly what God made you to be, and He has given you all of the tools you need to plant seeds of faith in the hearts and minds of others. Use your tools. When prompted by the Holy Spirit to plant, then plant. When nudged by the Holy Spirit to water, then water. Be faithful in the process of farming for souls, leave the increase to The Lord, and find joy in fulfilling your calling to be salt and light in a dark world.

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