BEST OF TQFG: Will you pass the test of loyalty?

We hope you enjoy this re-post from June 17, 2014. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

…And he [testing Elisha] said, Go on back. What have I done to you? [Settle it for yourself.] – 1 Kings 19:20(b), Amplified Bible (AMP)

From time to time, God will introduce a test of loyalty into our lives. I’m not talking about a test of loyalty that revolves around sin. We make decisions every day on whether or not we are more loyal to God’s righteousness or to our sinful desires. I’m talking about a test of loyalty that requires a decision between two paths of life, both of which are wholesome, but only one of which is right.

On the one hand, we have the good, “sure” path we are already traveling on, familiar with, and comfortable with. There is absolutely nothing sinful about it, and it promises a wholesome, steady life packed with plenty of opportunities to serve Christ. On the other hand, we have an “unsure” path that God Himself has laid out for us. Our hearts fear God’s path because we don’t have control over it, but our minds tell us that God knows best and that we should trust Him, no matter what. So, we choose loyalty to God Wisdom over our own, and we take a step onto the path of God’s best. Then, we hear a resounding, “Go back!”, and we pause, not knowing what to do. Circumstance, devil-induced doubt, or maybe even the opinions of godly Christians make us wonder if we made a mistake in choosing to follow what we thought was God’s way. Maybe we misinterpreted God’s call? Maybe we were supposed to stay on the good path after all? What to do?

When facing such questions, we need to realize that Elisha was faced with the same choice. It was clear God had chosen Him to be Elijah’s replacement. The casting of Elijah’s mantle upon him could mean nothing else. But when Elisha asked permission to say goodbye to his family, God (through Elijah) tested him, prompting Elijah to say, “Go back!” Go back to your family! Go back to your farming! Now is the time to bail out of the work God has given you to do! Thankfully, Elijah passed the test. But, when faced with this same choice, many fail the test, turning back to the life of good that doesn’t offend the Lord, but that certainly disappoints Him.

No doubt, there will be times when God will redirect you from the current mission He has given you to another. When such a time comes, He will make it clear to you that it is time to alter course. But, when the choice is between pushing forward into the work God has given you and going back to the work you came from before your call, you need to realize that your loyalty is being tested. The question is, “Will you stay God’s course, or will you turn back to the good path?” Of course, God already knows what you will do before He gives you test, so the test isn’t for Him to know who you are loyal to. The test is for you to know who you are loyal to. It is only when you realize how important God’s work is to you that you will put forth the 100% effort that God expects. You simply cannot realize how important God’s work is to you until you make the decision to turn your back on your old work in favor of God’s new one.

Are you in the midst of such a test now? If so, will you be like Elisha? Or, will you turn back to the yoke of oxen that represents the good, but certainly is not God’s best?

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