BEST OF TQFG: Before miracles, there must be trust in God.

Photo courtesy of Scott McLeod.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from September 28, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

Notice, it is I, Paul, who tells you that if you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no profit (advantage, avail) to you [for if you distrust Him, you can gain nothing from Him]. – Galatians 5:2, AMP

Have you ever offered to help someone do something, only to be met with the response, “No thanks, I can do it myself.”? I daresay most of us have, and most of us have also watched those same folks totally botch something that, if they had accepted our help, would have been a success rather than a failure.

Now, let’s take a look in the mirror. Very often, we are the ones telling someone, “No thanks,” and all too often the Person we are telling “No thanks” to is God. God offers to help us make a successful life, but in order for Him to grant us that help, we must first grant Him our trust. Oh, we say we trust Christ, but our actions betray who we really trust – ourselves. Just like the Galatians who once professed Christ, only to backslide into trusting the works of the Law, we profess faith in Christ’s leadership in our lives, only to do what we think is best while hoping that Christ will get on board with our plans.

We would do well to remember Paul’s admonition to the Galatians in Galatians 5:2 (AMP):

…Christ will be of no profit (advantage, avail) to you [for if you distrust Him, you can gain nothing from Him]

We would also do well to remember God’s words in Isaiah 2:22 (AMP):

Cease to trust in [weak, frail, and dying] man, whose breath is in his nostrils [for so short a time]; in what sense can he be counted as having intrinsic worth?

Would you classify your life as a success or as a failure? If a failure, then the odds are good that you’ve been telling God “No thanks” to His repeated offers to help. It’s time to start saying “no” to your own way and “yes” to God’s. When you do, you might just start seeing miracles, both great and small, creep into your life.

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