BEST OF TQFG: Your life has an impact, whether you’re conscious of it or not.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from September 27, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

Before I formed you in the womb I knew [and] approved of you [as My chosen instrument], and before you were born I separated and set you apart… – Jeremiah 1:5, AMP

In 1983, Teddy Kremer was born with Down Syndrome. A hospital worker counseled Dave and Cheryl Kremer that they should consider institutionalizing their son, but they would have nothing of it. With mountains of love and oceans of therapy, they raised their son to be the best he could be.

For the first 29 years of his life, Teddy blessed those around him with his infectious energy, his charming smile, and his zest for life. But during the last year, he has touched millions more through television features like the one below that aired on ESPN’s E:60 program just a few nights ago. Teddy being a raving Cincinnati Reds baseball fan, Teddy’s parents decided to bid on an honorary batboy position made available during a fundraiser in the Spring of 2012. Teddy’s parents won the bid, which, of course, was the perfect gift for Teddy’s upcoming birthday. Warned by his parents not to touch the players and not to speak to the players unless spoken to, Teddy promptly ignored his instructions the moment he stepped into the dugout. Instantly he began to speak with, to encourage, and to high-five his heroes, and through his example he reminded the players that, although they were engaging in the serious business of baseball, they had every right to enjoy the fun that baseball is meant to bring.

Since his first appearance as a batboy (he has been a batboy three times now), Teddy has been reminding people how precious life is. But what struck me about Teddy is that he has had an enormous impact on countless people by doing just one thing: being himself. Neither Teddy nor his parents woke up last year with plans to make a global impact on the hearts and minds of millions. They didn’t scheme their way into the limelight or connive to become famous. They were just being themselves, and by being themselves they have fulfilled a purpose that God alone knew about thirty years ago.

Sometimes we fret over whether or not we are worth anything to anybody. The truth is that we are, both to Christ, who gave Himself for us, and to more people than we’ll ever know about until we get to Heaven. But we should never try to transform ourselves into magical people of impact. Instead, we should simply strive to be whoever it is God created us to be. If we do that, He will indeed use us to impact others, either in great numbers or in small.

The next time you feel worthless, just remember what Cheryl Kremer said about her son in the E:60 segment below:

That little life that nobody thought was going to do anything has done something.

That goes for you and for me, too.

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