BEST OF TQFG: Try not to drive into the ditch, but if you do, God will be there to help.

Photo courtesy of Pat Hawks.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from September 23, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

Behold, God is my helper and ally… – Psalm 54:4, AMP

Have you ever done something embarrassingly stupid? I sure have. As a matter of fact, I am well known within my sphere of influence as being embarrassingly stupid on a regular basis.

One such instance occurred several years ago when I was in a nearby small town on business. I was pulling out of a local store’s parking lot in my Toyota 4Runner (a mid-sized sport utility vehicle), not paying as much attention to my surroundings as I should have. As I was taking a right turn that proved to be a little too wide, my eyes got really big as I realized that I was about to drive into a ditch. The world began to move in slow motion as my left-front tire, not capable of driving on air, fell into the ditch! In a moment, the rear end of my SUV was off of the ground, pointing towards the sky, and beckoning to everyone around me to take a look at the idiot who doesn’t know how to avoid ditches!

At the very second I stepped out of my vehicle to survey the situation, three fellows in a pickup truck pulled over and offered to lend me a hand. Even though I know they had to be laughing inside, there was no hint of ridicule on their faces or on their lips. Thankfully, I happened to have some ratchet straps in my SUV, which we used to tie my truck to their truck. With a couple of tugs, my 4Runner was sitting on all four of its wheels again. In addition, a quick look at the vehicle’s front end proved that the fall caused no damage to my truck at all. Praise The Lord!

Very often we fail to recognize that God faithfully provides for His children both in the large and in the little things of life. Driving into that ditch was a little thing, for it was nothing more than an inconvenience. But, it was an inconvenience that could have cost me a lot of time, should I have been stranded for awhile. It could also have cost me a lot of money, should my vehicle had been damaged in the fall. But since God sent help at the very moment the accident occurred, the event did not cost me more than fifteen minutes of my time. Since He prevented my vehicle from being damaged in the fall, the accident didn’t cost me any money, either. All it cost me was a little humility, but in return for a dose of humility, I received the blessing of being reminded of just how faithful God is.

No matter what you need right now – whether it is something small or something big – take comfort in the reality that God is faithful to provide what you need, when you need it. He may not provide you with what you want. He also may not provide you with what you need when you would like to have it. But, He will provide you with what you need at just the right time that is best for you. Until the relief comes, don’t let the wait frustrate you. Let it develop in you the patience that God would have all of us to possess.

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