BEST OF TQFG: When you are down, ask God to show you the future.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from August 5, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand). – Jeremiah 33:3, AMP

For some, like the prophet Jeremiah, trouble is a way of life. In Jeremiah 33, the prophet was in prison for proclaiming the truth of God. Surrounded by animosity and expecting soon the destruction of his people at the hands of Babylon, Jeremiah was in need of a little encouragement.  In the midst of the darkness, God challenged Jeremiah to look into the future to witness an uplifting truth: after the suffering comes restoration and peace.

From the midst of his despair, God commanded Jeremiah to pray for a glimpse into the future. In response to that prayer, God promised to show the prophet something that he could not see while focused on his present circumstances: a post-captivity Judah and Israel characterized by health and peace. By helping Jeremiah to see into the future and to mentally take possession of a promise soon to come, God helped the prophet to understand that, although his present pain was intense, it would not be permanent.

When we find ourselves in painful circumstances, we will be tempted, like Jeremiah, to focus on the darkness that is directly in front of us. But rather than dwell on the gloom closing in around us, we ought to answer God’s challenge to Jeremiah, asking God to help us see the future He has promised to every born again believer – a future in Heaven where pain, sorrow, and sin will have no more power over us.

Focus on eternity rather than the here and now. Although the present pain may linger awhile, mentally and spiritually claiming your heavenly future as your present possession will bring you comfort in your time of need.

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