BEST OF TQFG: Try not to get irritated when your plans don’t pan out. God has something better in mind.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from July 14, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. – Ephesians 3:20, KJV

Years ago my wife and I owned a white, 1993 Pontiac Bonneville. It was a roomy car with a smooth ride, and it was in pretty good shape both inside and out. It was our family chariot, and it faithfully toted us both in town and out of town for many years.

One day on a trip to visit family in Georgia, the old mare gave up the ghost. The engine threw a rod, and after disposing of the vehicle for as much money as we could get for it, we began our search for a replacement vehicle.  We earnestly looked for a specific make and model we desired, but we spent nearly two months looking with nothing to show for it. During this time, we had been transporting our family of four with only one car.  Although this was no tragedy, it was certainly an inconvenience, and one we were a little irritated with. Finally, with no luck finding the car we wanted for the budget we had set, we left town for a few days and forgot about car shopping.

While away on our trip, a wonderful thing happened: we discovered that we were expecting our third child! Immediately it became clear that The Lord had not allowed us to find the car we wanted because it would not have been large enough to accommodate a third child.  Upon returning home, we began shopping for a minivan, and we found the perfect vehicle at a great price in just a couple of days.

It is absolutely frustrating when the plans we make for ourselves go nowhere. There could be several reasons why our plans never make it past the starting line, but, for the Christian, there is a distinct possibility that God Himself has put the brakes on our plans because He has something better planned for us.  God knows us better than we know ourselves, and He knows what we need moreso than we do.

The next time your plans get stalled, don’t get irritated.  Stop, take a deep breath, and ask God to grant you peace as you patiently wait to see what He has in store.

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