BEST OF TQFG: Let God save you from the hurt.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from March 7, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

…ye are of more value than many sparrows. Luke 12:7, KJV

The film October Baby tells the moving story of a young woman named Hannah who finds out that she is the survivor of a failed abortion. By the end of the story, through many tears mixed with constant doubt, she finds her way to acceptance, purpose, and forgiveness.

It is a rare person who doesn’t at some point wonder who he/she is, why he/she is here, and whether or not he/she is loved. Some struggle with these questions more than others, and most of those who struggle look for the answers in the wrong places. Temporary answers to these questions can be found in negative things like destructive human relationships, the gluttonous pursuit of pleasure, or substance abuse. Temporary answers to these questions can also be found in positive things like loving human relationships, the pursuit of knowledge, a charitable cause, or a worthy job. Either way, these answers are but temporary because the sources of the answers are but temporary. In October Baby, Hannah was raised by loving, adoptive Christian parents and had friends that cared deeply about her. Yet, even though her family and friends reassured her how much she meant to them, there was an inexplicable emptiness inside of her that never completely went away.

It wasn’t until Hannah leaned on Jesus Christ as the Source of acceptance, purpose, and forgiveness that she acquired peace. She had known Him in her mind as the Source of these things for years, but she had never allowed Him to be the Source of these things for her. Once Hannah allowed Him to save her from her hurt like she had allowed Him to save her from her sin, heart peace followed.

When the doubt comes – when you wonder what good to anyone, if any, you are – just remember that you are so good to the God of all Creation that He died a horrible death on the cross so that you could be part of His adoptive family. He wanted to fellowship with you forever – to see your smile, to hear your laugh, to help you grow – and He left Heaven behind for a time so that He could make that happen.

What more proof of your worth do you need than that?

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