BEST OF TQFG: Are you a slave to pride? If so, God would like to set you free.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from February 9, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

Therefore pride is about their necks like a chain; violence covers them like a garment [like a long, luxurious robe]. Psalm 73:6, Amplified Bible

God tells us that pride is a cruel slave master which keeps us bound against our will. When I read Psalm 73:6, I immediately got a mental picture of a man being wrapped up in a chain, completely unable to free himself from the tyranny of his captor. Bound, unable to escape, he despairs of life, feeling utterly alone and helpless.

My thoughts then turned to people addicted to drugs or to alcohol. We often think of such people as being bound by their sin, unable to break free from their destructive behavior. Their need to feed the beast binds every aspect of their lives, and they behave in any way they have to – theft, prostitution, the destruction of their families – to feed that need.

Pride is no different. If we are addicted to the accolades of others, we will behave in whatever way we deem necessary in order to obtain those accolades. How many times have would-be missionaries turned down the call of God so as to not disappoint a disapproving parent? How often have Christians served in some capacity in the Church not because they seek the service of God but, rather, the praise of men? How often have Christians done something underhanded at work, not because they feared losing their jobs if they didn’t, but because doing so would be a ticket to that award they desperately want?

In each of these examples – and in so many more you and I could both conjure up – the need to feed pride produces behavior that honors us but dishonors God. In such cases, we sacrifice the cause of Christ on the altar of self.

Beware of being fettered by your need to feed your pride. Be not bound by its chains! Plead with Christ that He would emancipate you from yourself so that His purposes in your life would find no resistance from your pride!

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