BEST OF TQFG: 14 surprising jobs that robots are doing

We hope you enjoy this re-post from May 26, 2015. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. – Psalm 19:1, KJV

Not long ago I ran across an article titled 14 surprising jobs that robots are doing. I was amazed by some of the jobs that robots can do now, and gone are the days where only factory workers’ jobs are threatened by the mechanical beasties. Here’s a short list of other jobs that robots are beginning to do:

  • Actors
  • Anesthesiologists
  • Bellhops
  • Chefs
  • Financial Analysts
  • Camel Jockeys
  • Musicians
  • Receptionists
  • Reporters
  • Retail Sales Associates
  • Security Guards
  • Soldiers
  • Surgeons
  • Waiters

I’ll defer to the article for details on each of the jobs listed above, but one of the jobs – camel jockeys – made me smile. Here’s the write-up on that one:

Camel racing is one of the oldest traditions in the Middle East, but the ancient pastime is undergoing a modern makeover. Historically, lightweight children as young as two or three years old were used as jockeys, until it was outlawed in 2002.

Robot jockeys were introduced in 2003. They were cumbersome and heavy a decade ago, but today, the remote controlled robots — which even resemble jockeys — weigh only a few pounds.

From riding camels to waiting tables to performing surgical procedures, the wonders of robotic technology continue to grow. Likewise, the wonders of humanistic stupidity grow with them. No secular humanist would ever be so foolish as to argue that robots have randomly formed out of nothingness over billions of years, yet that is what they claim, through evolution, has produced a lifeform more complex than any robot – mankind. Everyone knows (and acknowledges) that robots have been designed by human creators. Mankind has designed their structure. Mankind has given them “life.” Mankind has established their purposes. If it’s so easy to understand these foundational realities behind robot “life,” why is it so difficult for people to acknowledge that God the Designer is behind human life – giving it structure, life, and meaning? It is because mankind doesn’t want to live by the Designer’s rules, and so mankind imagines the Designer doesn’t exist at all.

Behind every design there is a designer, and Psalm 19:1 declares Who the Designer is behind the universe that we see. Never feel intellectually inferior when someone claims that science “proves” evolution, not biblical creation, is the source of all we see. In all of observable reality, science has never observed random chance processes create anything with design; it has only witnessed random chance process cause the destruction of things and people. Instead, science has observed one or more intelligent designers creating everything with design, which is why science is on the side of the creationist, not the evolutionist.

Feel free to lovingly point this out the next time someone calls you stupid for trusting in the Bible. Unfortunately, it is your accuser who is the fool, for the fool has said in his heart that there is no God.

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