BEST OF TQFG: Be sure to remember today what God did for you – and why He did it.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from March 31, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

But when Simon Peter saw this, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord. – Luke 5:8, Amplified Bible

When God revealed Himself to Peter through the miracle of the multitude of fish (Luke 5:1-8), Peter’s reaction was to fall down under the weight of his own sin. Isaiah had the same reaction in Isaiah 6:5 when he came face to face with God, and so did John when he saw God in Revelation 1:17. Whenever God reveals Himself fully to a person, fear and homage is the typical reaction. Confronted by His pure holiness, we cannot but see how vile we are in comparison and how worthy we are of death.

Thankfully, God replies to our fear and trembling with the words “fear not.” We need not fear death because Jesus has conquered death for us. Thanks to His death, His burial, and His resurrection, death has no sting for the Christian, and the grave has no victory. Earthly death is now a welcome doorway to the eternal homeland we will share with our Savior, and eternal death is a distant memory that no longer poses any threat.

Is your heart cold to the Gospel this Easter Sunday? Then ask God to reveal Himself to you as he did to Peter, to Isaiah, and to John. When He does, you will be stricken by the reality of how vile you are in comparison to the Holy Creator, and you will be reacquainted with just how deserving of death you are. Reminded of the burden of the sins that would have taken you to Hell, you’ll be able to fully appreciate just how precious Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection is to you personally. Gratitude for your Savior’s sacrifice will swell within your heart, and you’ll be equipped to worship the risen Savior today as you should every day – with all of your mind, heart, and soul.

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