BEST OF TQFG: Life is like three dozen apple cider donuts!

We hope you enjoy this re-post from November 25, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

Making the very most of the time [buying up each opportunity], because the days are evil. – Ephesians 5:16, Amplified Bible (AMP)

Every October my family takes a trek to Skytop Apple Orchard in Zirconia, NC, just outside of Flat Rock, NC. We love the scenic drive, we love the fresh apples (Fuji’s are our favorite!), and we love walking around a mountaintop apple orchard during the crisp, cool days of early Fall. But, more than anything, we love feasting on Skytop’s now famous apple cider donuts!

When the folks at Skytop first began baking the donuts, the demand was so small that it took about five minutes to get through the line. Over the last several years, the donut demand has skyrocketed, forcing the Skytoppers to build an addition to their building to house equipment sufficient to keep up with the craze. During our last visit, I had to wait about an hour to get through the line of 100+ people. But, may I say, dearly beloved, that the dainties were well worth the wait!

In my younger, more impatient years, I probably would not have waited in such a long line.  Or, had I convinced myself to stand in line, I would have definitely not been gracious about it. I would have whined and complained in my heart and in my mind with each painfully slow step! Now, in my less impatient years (though I can still be quite impatient at times), I found a way, through modern smartphone technology, to make the time quite productive – even enjoyable. It’s amazing how much business you can transact in an hour on a small screen, and before I knew it, I had not only my three dozen hot apple cider donuts in hand; I had the pleasure of relieving some stress from my life by knocking out a few work-related items in the process.

The Lord often sets grand prizes before us that He fully intends to give us. He makes us wait for them, however, so that we can learn how to patiently enjoy the journey of life while waiting for the prizes to come.  If we focus solely on the joy of obtaining the big prize, we will miss out on the little joys that are scattered along the path that leads to the mountaintop. In the secular world, more and more people are understanding this truth as they are realizing that obtaining the pot of gold at the end of a busy career is worthless when they have ignored their families to obtain it. In the Christian realm, more and more of us need to understand this truth so we will stop ignoring the souls in front of us today while in hot pursuit of the opportunity to do something huge for The Lord tomorrow.

Whatever prize God has set before you – whatever big opportunity of service and reward He has shown you to pursue – realize that the journey to obtaining the prize will likely not be swift. You’ll have a lot of time to fill between now and the time you reach your goal. You can either be impatient and fret during your wait, or you can learn to enjoy the journey by choosing to impact the person that God has put in front of you today. Whether that person is a soul that needs the Gospel, a Christian brother or sister that needs a helping hand, or a friend that needs a shoulder to cry on, make yourself available today. If you do, you’ll find that the wait for the big prize is not only bearable; it’s enjoyable.


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