BEST OF TQFG: If you want God to relieve the pressure, you first need to have faith that He can.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from July 24, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

Let Your mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord, be upon us, in proportion to our waiting and hoping for You. – Psalm 33:22, AMP

Have you ever had days when you felt the pressures of life weighing you down?  On days like that, it’s as if you are carrying someone twice your size on your back, and you wonder if each step you take will be the last one you can muster before the crushing weight thrusts you to the ground.

When the pressure is on, we pray to God for relief, and we should. Sometimes, however, the relief doesn’t come, and when that happens, we wonder whether or not God even cares. Rest assured, He does care, but the reason the relief doesn’t come may not be His doing. It may be yours.

Psalm 33:22 teaches us that God often ties the amount of His intervention in our lives to the amount of faith we have in Him. Very often, we pray for relief and don’t receive it because we really don’t have faith that God can or will provide the relief. How many times have we prayed for deliverance and then, as soon as we finished praying, we pursued our own solutions as if God did not exist?  Or, how many times have we prayed for relief, but then we moped around as if the Creator had no power to create stability in our lives? When our faith level is low, so is our relief level.

There are several reasons why God may choose not to relieve the pressure when you ask Him to. Just make sure that your lack of faith isn’t the reason for your lack of relief. If it is, drop to your knees, lift up your hands, and pray to the Lord, “…I believe; help thou mine unbelief!” (Mark 9:24, KJV)

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