BEST OF TQFG: Beware the bite of the saber-toothed fly.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from July 5, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

Some time ago some friends of ours told us that, if we were ever in Charlotte, NC, we ought to try a Chinese buffet restaurant called Tin Tin.  After our thrilling day of roller coaster rides at Carowinds the other day, we were only a few miles from Tin Tin. So, of course, we headed that way.

The food was just as awesome as advertised, but there was something about the place that night that was simply awful. For a good twenty minutes, one tiny little fly kept attacking my pasty white legs, biting me time and time again as if I were part of the Chinese buffet selection! Honestly, I was a little irritated by that fly; it packed quite an annoying wallop when it chomped down.

In our Christian walk, we often pray for deliverance from the big temptations and trials of life, and we should. But we usually overlook the little temptations and trials, forgetting that those little, annoying bites can lead us to sin against God just as much as the big ones can. Often, Satan draws us down the road to gross sin by first enticing us with little sins, knowing that, if he tried to tempt us with gross sin to start with, we’d be too scared to partake. Those little, annoying bites aren’t so scary, though, and after we partake of those, he sends a series of gradually more wicked temptations that successfully draw us away from the Lord.

Beware those little bites of sin. Put on the whole armor of God even when the threat seems minor. It is when the threat seems minor that we let our guard down, and when we let our guard down, we fail the Master.

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