BEST OF TQFG: Count your many blessings, name them one by one.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from August 26, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

His compassions fail not…They are new every morning… – Lamentations 3:22-23, KJV

I serve as an usher at our church. During a recent Sunday evening service, I had an errand to run that took me into the building on our campus that houses our gym, our cafeteria, and several classrooms for our Christian school. As I walked by the trophy cases that decorate the hallway just inside the entrance, something caught my eye that I hadn’t paid much attention to in quite awhile.

A few short years ago, our girls basketball team won a couple of state championships. Several great players contributed to the titles, but there was one dominant scorer that our team loved and that every other team feared.  Her name was Ashley. During her senior year at our school, the local newspaper wrote a flattering article about the young basketball phenom. Our administration framed the article, placing it within the trophy case for all to see.  Ashley’s future was bright, and all who knew her wished her the best in her collegiate career.

A few months ago, just a week or so away from graduating college, Ashley died unexpectedly. We were all saddened by the news. Many prayed with and for her family. All wondered why The Lord decided to take her home so soon. We can’t know for sure what God’s reason was until we get to Heaven, but one thing is certain: Ashley’s death reminded me that none of us are guaranteed another moment.

As I looked at the picture of this beautiful, young woman who is no longer with us, I was reminded of how important it is for all of us to grasp how short and how precious life is. When we realize how temporary our stay is on this planet, we can better appreciate how much of a gift life is.  When we take life for granted, it is easy to gripe when things don’t go our way. When we view life as the gift that it is, we realize the value of God’s blessings, and we understand the pettiness of our complaints.

Today is a gift, and it could be your last. Start it out by giving God the gratitude He deserves. Thank Him for all of this morning’s new mercies.  Count your blessings, name them one by one, and repay God’s compassions with a heart of gladness and thankfulness!

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