BEST OF TQFG: Is it time for another spiritual meal?

We hope you enjoy this re-post from August 13, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

…I have esteemed and treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food. – Job 23:12, AMP

I have a reputation for being able to consume a lot of food. Although I’ve downed my fair share of grub – I am, after all, the Krispy Kreme donut eating champion of the company I work for – I’m usually pretty light with the portions I eat.  When I’m on a weight-losing binge, I’ve even been known to skip a few meals, and when I do so I just ignore the hunger pains and keep on trucking.

There have been a handful of times in my life, however, when I’ve absolutely needed food. Physically, I was run down, and it was obvious that I was run down because of a lack of sustenance. On those occassions, I dropped everything I was doing and found some food pronto because, if I didn’t, I might literally faint.

We all know instinctively how important food is, and we are all well aware that without it, our bodies will eventually die.  What should be just as obvious to us – but often isn’t – is how important the spiritual food of God’s Word is. Without regular doses of the Word, our spirits will be weak, sickly, and prone to faint. When starved of the Word, our weak spirits will be unable to weather the storms of life, and even the slightest winds will blow us down.

Regular feasting on God’s Word is just as necessary for our spiritual lives as regular feasting on food is for our physical lives. Actually, as Job recounts in Job 23:12 and as Jesus states in Matthew 4:4, spiritual feasting is more important than eating. If God values spiritual food above physical food, so should we.

If you are like me, you make time to eat. Be sure you also make time to feast on God’s Word.  If you don’t, life’s trials will have their way with you, and the Enemy will easily be able to overcome you. If you have indeed been recently dragged down by the weight of life’s stresses, then examine your spiritual eating habits and honestly ask yourself the question, “Have I been eating my spiritual vegetables lately?”

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