BEST OF TQFG: When you doubt, just ask God for reassurance. He’s happy to give it.

We hope you enjoy this re-post from July 6, 2013. Be blessed! The Today’s Quote From God Team

…for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. – Hebrews 13:5, KJV

My 8-year old daughter was sitting quietly next to me as the two of us – along with my father-in-law, my son, and my niece – were returning from a mildly successful fishing excursion on my father-in-law’s boat. The water was beautiful, the ocean breeze was pleasurable, and the sky was a mural of white clouds mixed with blue sheets of rain in the distance.

Out of nowhere my daughter asked me, “Daddy, do you love Mommy?”

I responded, “Absolutely, honey. Very much. Why do you ask?”

“Because a lot of people are getting divorced these days,” she replied.

“Don’t worry, honey,” I told her, “that’s not an option for Mommy and Daddy. We’re sticking together.”

After I reassured her of my commitment to my wife and my wife’s commitment to me, my daughter smiled, and we continued to enjoy our boat ride.

We have a very wise and godly man at our church who teaches our Sunday School class from time to time. He has three grown daughters, all with families of their own and all serving The Lord. On more than one occasion, he has mentioned in his lessons that, when his daughters were young, he and his wife sat them down and let them know that their mom and dad would not divorce – period. In the years since, the daughters have let their parents know how important it was to them as children to hear their parents say, “Divorce is not an option.”

Even though my wife and I followed our friend’s example many moons ago by informing our children of the same thing, I am not surprised that the question has come up again. We all need reassurance from time to time, and I am more than happy to grant that assurance any time my children need it.

In our walk of faith, it is not unusual for us to need reassurance from our Lord that He is with us, especially when we are young in the faith. It is easy for doubts of all kinds to creep into our minds and hearts, but it is just as easy to eradicate those doubts by doing one simple thing: conversing with God. Just as my daughter obtained her assurance by talking with me, we can do the same by talking with Christ. He’s always there, ready to hear our questions and ready to grant us answers.  All we need do is pray, bury ourselves in the Bible, and await His Holy Spirit to comfort us from our daily doubts and fears. Isn’t that why Christ called the Holy Spirit the Comforter?

Christ promised that He would never leave us or forsake us, and He meant it. When you doubt, feel free to ask Him the question, “Do You love me?” Most assuredly, His response will be, “Absolutely. Very much. I died for you, didn’t I?”

Need He say more?

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